Wednesday, July 10

Tag: Social Media Marketing

When To Hire an SEO Agency For a Website
Digital Marketing, Social Media

When To Hire an SEO Agency For a Website

Most traditional and local businesses are starting to realize that digitalization is necessary for their survival. And since the key to a successful website is SEO, these businesses opt to hire an SEO agency that will give them "clicks" and "rankings" and "backlinks". It's great that people are starting to realize the importance of SEO and SEO agencies, but there is a difference between getting clicks and getting money. Unfortunately, most businesses nowadays fall into the traps laid by scammy SEO "agencies". They are promised a 200% success rate and thousands of views in a ridiculously short amount of time. On the other hand, some smart businesspeople find eligible SEO agencies. But they usually pay a large sum of money in a year to achieve irrelevant goals like 100 backlinks or 1000 P...
Attention Entrepreneurs: Why Digital Marketing Isn’t an Optional Extra
Digital Marketing, Social Media

Attention Entrepreneurs: Why Digital Marketing Isn’t an Optional Extra

Calling all you enterprising young businesspeople wherever you are; the primary reason for a new business to fall at the first fence is lack of marketing. Some entrepreneurs have yet to grasp the reality of living in a digital world and with the whole world moving to online solutions, you must have an aggressive digital marketing plan in order to create a strong online profile. Creating a digital marketing plan This is an essential aspect of a comprehensive business plan, which clearly outlines how you plan to reach your target groups; that’s where the best digital marketing company in Bangkok comes into the equation – an agency with an impressive track record and an in-house team of social media marketers and SEO technicians, who are ready to work their magic on your digital platfor...
How To Use Social Media Marketing For Small Businesses
Digital Marketing, Social Media

How To Use Social Media Marketing For Small Businesses

For a small business, it is quite a task to handle social media when you don’t have a whole team. As you already have other zillion tasks to do. And social media marketing is not on your list because you have other errands to run! But this is where you are not going right. As much as affordable social media marketing is for small businesses, it is totally worth your time! An unimaginable amount of people spend several hours of their day on social media and they do interact with brands and companies they are interested in doing business with. As much as the fact that social media is free and worth your time, there are plenty of people waiting for you to collaborate and are looking forward to your services! Is social media marketing really efficient for small businesses? In the past, so...