Avoid Bad Graphic Design Mistakes To Save Your Career

Designing is considered a crucial part of the business. Today in the world of smartphones the users get most of the data from emails, social media apps, Ads on almost every website, and here graphic design plays an important role. Graphic design simply shows the presence of your work in a user-friendly way.

For excellent graphic design, Graphic designers have to develop good designing habits. A little bit of mistake or bad graphic design can be problematic for designers, for there company and can affect their professional growth.

In this post, we highlight a bad graphic design Mistake that every designer should avoid.

Don’t use too many colors

too many colors

Using no color can give your website dull kind of feeling, but at the same time using so many colors can mess the view of your design. Using too many colors can pressurize our eyes when being viewed.do not use more than two or three colors to avoid this bad graphic design.

Don’t use the Same Pattern

same pattern

Technology means every day you have to learn or developed something new to serve good content to users, the same concept is applied for designers. While designing project try to find and learn new things to provide extra and more creative results to the user. The client is always looking for something different from daily concepts, hence try to bring new ideas on the table to make your client happy and satisfy.

Spacing Mistake

spacing mistake

Sometimes designers mess the entire design by cluttering all the information. Every component should be present in the proper way with white space. For designing stand-out design designers should consider the factors of pixel-level placement and Size of letters. A bad designer always avoids using spacing terms of kerning and tracking. To format the data and for spacing use grid option for a proper view of the product.

Avoid Low-Quality Image

You never know that your client needs modification in an image like change scale size, but due to low-resolution pictures, everything goes in vain. Using low-quality images shows the laziness of the designer. Always use vector and raster format to submit final images. Using this format clients can print design on various mediums.

Don’t forget to proofread


Proofreading is a professional way to check the finished project finally. A project may have spelling mistakes, typos should be always proofread properly before sending a final submission to your client. In the case of designers, typo mistake is like the dead. You can lose your client forever if the designer made the mistake of not proofread the data. To make your final project error-free proofreading is necessary to step that every designer should have done. Many designers made this bad graphic design mistake of not proofreading their project.

Use Package


After completing the project all the factors which are used in the project must be packaged together. Sending different files in a separate way could lose the data, also have fear of damaging the project. To avoid such things wrap all the files in folder with proper manner. This folder includes images, video, fonts, graphics and etc. Adobe’s package should be used to send the final data to your client.


To get the best outcome or to sustain in the world of design every designer should avoid such bad graphic design mistakes. Designers need to put more effort to develop the best design for their client .hence practice to get a more unique design.

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