Wednesday, July 10

What is the best way to immigrate to Australia?

Being home to more than seven million immigrants, Australia is the favorite destination of many fortune-seekers around the world. Of the many visa applications Australia receives every year, 160,000-190,000 are accepted, and the rest are rejected due to not meeting the requirements. Therefore, it is essential for applicants to first choose the right visa. And then learn how to go about the application process. Elaborating on some benefits of living in Australia. This article introduces what is the best way to immigrate to Australia for three age groups: the young, the middle-aged, and the old.

immigrate to Australia

Why Australia?

Before digging deeper into the subject at hand, it seems necessary to outline some of the main reasons why Australia is so popular with immigrants. If you wonder why many individuals prioritize Australia over other countries, here are four main reasons.

Having excellent job opportunities

Australia has been doing a great deal to recover its economy from Covid-19. Accordingly, the budget allocated to the economy, business, education, and workforce sectors in 2021 was considerably higher than that of 2020. See here for detailed information. Not surprisingly, Australia is now offering excellent training programs to native as well as non-native job-seekers to satisfy its needs. Consequently, it’s become a lot easier to go to Australia not as a professional but as an apprentice or trainee. As a result, more and more job-seekers around the world are applying for employer/skills visas hoping for a brighter future.

Receiving outstanding education services

Of the top 100 universities in the world, seven are located in Australia. This makes Australia a great choice for many academicians who intend to further their education or those who wish to work with Australian universities/organizations as researchers or educators. Also, studying in Australia as an international student has the benefit of receiving extraordinary funds from the government(provided that the applicant is a top student). Which makes studying in Australia quite cheap. Last but not least, during their residency, students can obtain various skills certificates that enhance their chances of getting their desired job after completing their courses.

Having access to  exceptional healthcare services

Australia has been among the top countries regarding health and medicare services for the past three decades. Ranking third among all nations, Australia is now considered one of the healthiest countries in the world, with a life expectancy of 83.79 years. Happily, all migrants, even those with a temporary visa, have the privilege of receiving excellent healthcare services from public and private centers.

Going through less stress

life in a country other than yours presents certain challenges. Not having enough financial support, worrying about the future, language problems, and adjusting to a new culture are just some of the problems one might experience during the first months/years of their residency in another country. Such problems matter less for Australian migrants. Of the 26 million residents in Australia.

Over seven million are non-natives coming from different countries with various cultural backgrounds,  making Australia less sensitive to racial, religious, and political issues. On the other hand, great job opportunities available do not leave much room for financial worries. These factors, on the whole, make Australia a peaceful country with little if any stress-provoking issues. Keeping these points in mind, let’s see which pathway is the most suitable for different age groups.

What is the best pathway to Australia for the young?

For people under thirty or so, the best way is by far to obtain a student visa. Australia offers over 80,000 student visas every year. This is almost one-fourth of the total number of visas issued annually. Most student visas are procced within less than three months, which is almost nothing compared to some other visas, which take up to three years. Of course, the applicant should have a diploma at least to be eligible to apply. The main advantage of student visas is that they are considerably cheap ( only AUD 620) as the government provides excellent financial support to students to guarantee the best international education they could wish for.

What is the best pathway to Australia for the middle-aged?

With respect to the middle-aged, the best way to migrate to Australia is to apply as a skilled worker. A skilled worker, as the name suggests, applies to somebody with a particular skill who wishes to Work in Australia. It is also possible to first learn a skill in Australia and then start to work there. There are already over 860,000 skilled workers in Australia, and most of them are temporary/permanent residents.

According to some statistics, Australia’s need for skilled workers will rise to one million in the near future. As a result, more and more skilled visas are approved by the Australian Department of Home Affairs. The cost is around AUD 4, 115 which is less than a month’s salary. The applicant can also take their family members to Australia if they pay an additional  AUS 2,000 for their spouse and AUD 1,000 for each child. The processing time is at most 14 months, during which the applicant can improve their skills and practice some English.

What is the best pathway to Australia for the old?

When it comes to the old, two main pathways open the door to Australia. Those with a good financial background can apply for investor migrant visas and declare their will to start a new business in Australia. The main requirement for this visa is to be able to invest AUD 1.5 million. The processing time depends on several factors and can vary from one to three years. As for those who do not meet the financial requirements, there is still another way. Australia offers several types of parent visas that allow parents to join their children.

As you might have already guessed, the prerequisite to getting this visa is to have a child in Australia who is a permanent resident or citizen. As a result, many parents first send their child/children to Australia on one of the available visas. Then wait for 2-4 years so that they get their permanent residency. Then the parent can apply for parent visa 143 (permanent) or subclass 173 (temporary) and rejoin their child/children. The cost is AUD 43,6000, which can be paid in two installments.


Australia has been a favorite destination of immigrants for decades now and receives thousands of applications in this regard every year. The excellent job opportunities along with high living standards allure many from around the world to get a taste of life in Australia. This article discussed some benefits of living in Australia and elaborated on the best pathway three different age groups, namely, the young, the old, and the elderly, can try.

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