Thursday, March 28

Tag: Communicating through flowers

Flowers – The Harbinger of Joy and Love

Flowers – The Harbinger of Joy and Love

“Flowers are like friends as they bring colours to your world.” Flowers are nurturers, food and cure for the soul. They not only brighten up one’s mood instantaneously but also help in combating stress.  In today’s world, stress has taken the better of human life. Various research works show that the very sight of flowers aids emotional well being. According to Wakefield Research, 68 per cent of people feel stressed on a weekly basis while 32 per cent are stressed regularly. It has been stated that the presence of flowers at homes has resulted in a significant decrease in the stress level, anxiety and agitation within a few days. Flowers have the magical capacity to instil a sense of satisfaction about life in our hearts and also make us feel connected to nature. Flowers bring calm t...