Tag: born on September 21st

September 21 – Zodiac Sign

September 21 – Zodiac Sign

Virgos born on September 21 are wonderful conversationalists, charming, intelligent, and have a good sense of humor. a resourceful thinker, you approach problem-solving in a very unique way. Endowed with the power to transcend traditional thinking, you exclude from the system what's now not needed and replace it with fresh, innovative ideas. Intellectually developed, creative and analytical, you're gifted with a special talent for developing new directions of thought. Although you set a mode more often than you follow it, you have got to know the tastes of some time to grasp what's important and what's not. Born 21 September wish to stay up with the days. In our time, health care is incredibly popular, and thus they'll readily combine diet and exercise so as to satisfy not only ordinary...