Thursday, July 11

Increased mucormycosis case after covid-19

Mucormycosis cases are increasing day by day in India especially in patients recovering from covid-19. Mucormycosis is a fungal infection disease. People those have weak immune system are suffering most from this infection. According to sources in some states like Maharashtra, Gujarat, and Odisha cases are reported.

covid patients

What is mucormycosis?

Mucormycosis is an infection caused by exposure to mucormyete mold which finds in the soil, air, and mucus of healthy people. It can affect our lungs, brain, and sinuses.

It can be very serious for people suffering from diabetes, cancer, or HIV/AIDS. Specialists agree that black fungus, which has a death pace of half might be being set off by the use of steroids, daily existence-saving treatment for extreme and basically sick Covid-19 patients. It’s thought that this fall in immunity could be generating these cases of mucormycosis.

Steroids decline inflammation in the lungs for Covid-19 and look to help stop a portion of the damage that can occur when the immune system goes into overdrive to fight off Covid. However, they likewise diminish resistance and push up glucose levels in both diabetics and non-diabetic Covid-19 patients.

Compare to the first wave of COVID-19, there is an increase in mucormycosis cases among COVID-19 patients.

According to research, there is no link between COVID-19 and fungal infection, but many doctors in India reported that Mucormycosis cases they treated in 2020 and early 2021 were recently recovered from covid -19 and has high blood sugar levels.

Symptoms of mucormycosis

This infection is so destructive that it can spread from the mouth to the eyes within 15 days.

  • Headache
  • Fever
  • Pain under the eyes
  • Nasal or Sinus Congestion
  • Partial Loss of Vision
  • Face numbness

Early Detection of infection

In the second wave Mucormycosis cases are detected in the early-stage compare to the first wave. Due to early detection, the mortality rate is low, though cases are high.

People are more aware of this infection as this infection receives a lot of attention in the news and social media. They can spot the infection and consult their doctors.

Keep watch out for infection

The doctor advises keeping a watch on blood sugar levels. Patients should also do RBS or blood sugar tests; if this level is not normal then the patient should consult doctors.

Can non-covid people get black fungus?

People who have high blood sugar should take precautions for black fungus even if they do not have covid. Other healthy people should not worry about infection. According to expert people have uncontrolled diabetes and other diseases may get infected with black fungus.

Why Case of black fungus patients are increasing day by day?

  • Today most of the people in the world are affected by type 2 diabetes. That’s why Mucormycosis cases are raising.
  • After any viral disease, other infections are very common as viruses attack our immune system.
  • Most of the time does it needs strict prescription easily available over the counter. Steroids are mostly used in    orthopedic and other diseases

What is a white fungus infection?

In white fungus infections, white-colored patches are found in the mouth. This causes difficulty in swallowing food. In this infection, white-colored sores occur in patients.

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