There are a number of steps you can take to use hair conditioner after shampoo to prevent build up and help the hair stay healthy. In fact, you may notice a difference in your hair after just using a product that is formulated for use on wet hair.
Step 1: Wash your Hair Thoroughly
The first step is to wash your hair thoroughly with a mild shampoo that does not contain any detergent. The type of shampoo you choose should be based on your individual needs.
If your hair is very fine and manageable, you may want to consider using a keracare conditioner with a product that has added shine and moisture. This can be achieved by using a conditioner that has more water content and is a little greasy on the hair.
Step 2: Remove excess water from your scalp
Next, shampoo out the excess water on the scalp. The best shampoo to use will include a conditioner as an ingredient. This way you have more than one product on your hair at once.
Step 3: Rinse out the Conditioner Completely
Rinse out the conditioner completely, then you can begin to treat the hair with a deep penetrating conditioner. The most commonly used conditioner for hair after the shampoo is mineral oil, which is not only good for preventing dandruff but can also prevent frizz and lock in moisture for years.
Conditioner should be used on the entire head, and not just the ends. This helps avoid buildup because the conditioner will work it’s way through the entire length of the hair, while the conditioner locks in moisture throughout the rest of the hair.
Step 4: Apply Heat to your Hair
An important step when using conditioner after the shampoo is to apply heat. Apply heat to the hair while it is still damp and let it sit for about 30 seconds. This will not only help lock in moisture and reduce the amount that ends up in your hair, but it will encourage the growth of natural oils.
Step 5: Select the types of Hair Conditioner
You may need to try out several types of hair conditioner before you find one that works for you. Some may be better for specific types of hair, while others may work for many people.
Once you find a product that works well, you can use it on your head regularly. It is best to use a conditioner after shampoo when it is not very hot outside and when it is still humid. This is because it may take longer for the hair to dry out after using the conditioner after shampoo, so it is best to use it on a regular basis.
Use less Shampoo than Normal
After you have used the conditioner after shampoo and you are satisfied with the results, you can begin to add a little more conditioner to the rinse. This will add to the moisturizing effects of the shampoo.
If you are using shampoo for the first time, you will probably use less shampoo than normal. because your hair needs to receive some moisturizing first.
For Clean and Healthy Hair all-day
If you have a very dry scalp, you can add extra conditioner to the rinse after you rinse the conditioner. This will make the conditioner last longer, making it last longer when you shampoo again. This will ensure that your hair remains clean and healthy all day long.
If you are going to continue using the conditioner, it is a good idea to apply a conditioner every few weeks. However, you do not want to rinse it out too often as this can damage your hair.
Final Step
When you are finished using your hair conditioner after shampoo, make sure you towel dry it thoroughly. This will keep your hair from being damaged when you are styling it or wash it in the shower.
You should never rinse your hair if you are using a flat iron or curling iron. The heat of the iron can damage your hair and cause damage to its natural oils. As a matter of fact, if you are using any kind of hot appliances, always wash your hair with shampoo afterward.
When you are finished using the conditioner, always towel dry it well to avoid the conditioner from rubbing into your hair. This will make your hair look cleaner.