Bail bonds can easily be considered as one of the most misunderstood parts of the legal system. Lawyers and clerks involved in the day-to-day bail process have some notion of how bail works. But a defendant, who needs to choose the right bail service, is likely to have little idea of how bail works. This lack of understanding may cost him financially in choosing a bail service. Continue reading this article to learn more about the financial aspect of bail services and find out how you can get the lowest price on bail services.

The Art of Negotiation:

One might wonder when one should be negotiating bail prices: of course, when the sum is higher than expected. No bail agent is interested in negotiating a bail that is set at $1000. You either pay the bail, or you can stay inside the prison. But when it comes to bail that is much higher than a couple of thousand dollars, the art of negotiation comes to play. You will be surprised to see just how much money can be saved if bargained properly.

  • A defendant is most likely to think that the bail price is completely non-negotiable. A bail agent might not do anything to rectify this faulty thought. In California, a bail agent takes roughly 10% of the whole bail amount as his fee. Therefore, the higher the bail amount, the more payment he would get. But an arrestee should learn that it is common to appeal to the court to reduce the set bail amount. Depending on the financial condition of the defendant, a judge might reconsider the bail amount.
  • You can pay off the bail money using collateral when you do not have ready cash to dispose of. Surety bail agents will use the property value as collateral and post the fine. It is always better to opt for local bail services. People in California may opt for bail bonds in Sacramento to get a fast and hassle-free bail.

A Collective Effort:

 When the bail amount is set high, you need someone to co-sign the bail document for you, to ensure that if you somehow fail to appear in all the court hearings, the money will be paid by the person co-signing the contract. It is a three-party contract involving the bail service, the defendant, and the co-signer. The co-signer might have to put his or her property as collateral to get you out of jail. A property bail bondsman will evaluate the property of the co-signer to assess the value of the same. If you get the right person to sign on behalf of you, the fee might come down to 8% of the total bail sum. At this point, one might wonder, what makes a good co-signer?

  • Someone who has no risky loans or debts to his name is a good co-signer. He must be easily located at any given time. If he is a lifelong resident of a particular city, he is less likely to escape the same.
  • One with family and kids is less likely to move to a different part of the country. Someone with such family obligations and ties makes a good co-signer. It is a bonus if the person in question has a stable job or is a government employee.

In the end, remember that bail bondsmen are human beings after all; some are ill-tempered while others are helpful and trustworthy. Find a bondsman with whom you can communicate well.

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