Wednesday, September 4

How to Cancel All Sent Follow Requests On Instagram


It is the age of social media marketing because it is the most cost-effective way to market products and services. Now Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest are the platforms that play a crucial role in social media marketing. Now is the time of Content, consumers start checking your content first before purchasing your products. Thus, we would say content is the king of your website as well as any social media page.

However, Instagram is a picture-based platform. When we talk about visual reach, the first name that comes to our mind is “Instagram”. Instagram has exceptional power to influence the target audience through its picture and small content.

One small question is for you

Do you have any idea how many pictures are uploaded on Instagram annually?

The Count is 35 billion! Isn’t it amazing?

Thus, you get an idea of how many people are using this platform worldwide every day. Using high-quality content promotes extraordinary brand growth.

Now you can understand the importance of the Instagram platform to establish your brand authority.

However, in this article, you’ll learn how to cancel all sent follow requests on Instagram,

Here we will discuss two ways;

1. Simple conventional method

2. Through JavaScript.

We all want to cancel sent requests on Instagram which are either kept pending or deleted from their Instagram profiles.

Most Instagram users send 20+ follow requests every day. But we do not recapitulate to whom we have sent and count the number of requests accepted. If the count of requests accepted is less than the sent number, we feel bad. It is quite natural. So there are different methods of canceling our sent follow request easily within a few minutes.

Before that as a user, you should have a clear idea of how you connect with others on Instagram.

 We are social beings, so we want to connect with people directly or virtually. Social media like Instagram gives us the opportunity to connect with people virtually. However, Instagram is a little different from Facebook where you send or accept friend requests from people; On Instagram you either need to follow them, or they’ll send you a Follow request.  So the process of connecting people is very simple.

You should simply go to the profile of the individual you need to follow and tap on the Follow button on their profile. Furthermore, when somebody chooses to follow you, you will absolutely get a notice for something similar.

On the off chance that you would rather not share your substance with everybody, you can basically make your profile private. All things considered, you will be requested allowing admittance to your profile when somebody sends you a follow request

But what would happen if you send a follow request but are not accepted from the opposite side and want to delete it.

 Before answering that we would like to mention Instagram’s USP.

There are multiple social media platform options available including Twitter, Facebook.  Twitter is the platform for expressing opinions and views on a variety of topics including politics, movies, and so on.  Facebook is the platform for making virtual friends and engaging with acquaintances, family, and friends. Facebook does not have many visual aesthetics, but Instagram has which is the USP of Instagram.

How to cancel all sent follow requests on Instagram

Method 1: It is a Conventional method used by non-technical Instagram users

  • Open your Instagram Application
  • Click on settings
  • Then click on the “Security” button
  • Here you’ll get multiple options- select “Date and History”; from this category choose the option named “Access data”; Then click on it
  • Then Scroll down and check for the “Connections” and click on “Current Follow Requests
  • Click on the “View All” button, and a list will come up of all Usernames whom you have sent the following request which was pending for the long-term on their profiles. Now you can easily cancel them manually by copying their usernames.

However, if you are a technical person having practical experience in JavaScript, you can automate within a few minutes. For that you have to open your Instagram profile- then access tool-Next go to Current follow request.

Please ensure you have allowed pop-ups for this particular site on your browser. Allow them on Chrome and Mozilla browser.

Open Inspect Element mode on your browser by right click on the mouse or by keyboard shortcut (F12). Then go to the console tab and paste the code given below:


 Then click the Enter button to execute the code. Now you can see all accounts are opened on separated tabs on your computer browser. When all the tabs of accounts are completely loaded, paste the code below on the same console window after the below-mentioned code.


Click the enter button to execute the code and you’ll get the message “Completed Displayed” at your Console window. Now you have to go through the account tab which is opened in front of you, then unfollow them or cancel the request.

The best thing about Instagram is you can implement SEO on your Instagram account. For that, you can take the assistance of SEO Services India.

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