Wednesday, September 4

Creating the Best Content for Your Site


Content is king, so the saying goes, which is why it’s so important that you have relevant, best content on your website. But many businesses don’t make the most of the content that they have, or don’t create the right content to suit their brand.?

Have content translated by experts

Most businesses now deal with more than one country, and that means you may have to speak more than one language. If you want to offer your website with multi-lingual options, you should bring in expert translators to ensure quality. Use Global Citizens French translations to translate your content, from blog posts to webpage content, ensuring that the tone and meaning are kept intact.

Use different content methods

Written content is fine, but you can also use a number of different types of content across your pages.

  • Video content – video is popular with the younger generation and is an excellent way to show off your products
  • Photos – product photography is important and can help people make decisions
  • Virtual reality – why not add some 360-degree views or virtual tours
  • Blogs – this keeps people up to date with your company but is more interesting than formal content

Switch up your content and create a strategy that uses different content types, so that you can keep things fresh.

Make sure content displays correctly

There’s nothing worse than spending time making awesome content, only for it to look terrible once it’s on your website. You should make sure you have an excellent content management system (CMS), and you may also want to learn to code, so that you can make any changes that are necessary. Make sure you test any content that you upload to ensure it works well and looks its best.

Optimize for different devices

It’s now becoming increasingly likely that your average visitor will be using a tablet or smartphone to access your site. That’s why so many companies and organizations are optimising their sites for mobile and a variety of devices. When you create content, you need to ensure that it works across different devices. For example, big chunks of text may not display well on mobile.

Use content experts

You can create your own content, but not only is that time-consuming, it might also not be as professional as you like. That’s why it’s worth considering bringing in the experts. Consider hiring some freelancers who specialize in writing, filming, or photography, so you can get the best possible content for your site. This ensures you get a professional finish and don’t end up with content that doesn’t suit your site or brand.

While you may think you have great content on your site, it’s worth thinking about having a content audit and having an overhaul if necessary. Fresh content can really improve your site and can bring in new clients. All you need to do is decide what works for you and your brand, and what you need to get rid of.

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