Monday, September 2

5 things you must consider before taking your business international

business international

Growing your business is a long and tiresome process, but you know your work is paying off when it’s time to take things to an international level. However, before you jump the gun and start opening up offices abroad, you should get all your ducks in order. That means focusing on the big picture as well as the nitty-gritty details to ensure your business really is ready for the next step.

Your Potential

Before you start the process, make sure that your business truly has enough potential for it. Sometimes a short burst of success can convince us we’re ready for the next step, but in reality, we were just lucky. That being said, make sure the results you get are stable and consistent.

Hiring a legal advisor or some other expert consultant is a great idea, too. An outsider’s perspective can give you a more objective picture of how your business is actually doing. An outsider will also be able to more easily identify things that you’re doing well and things you aren’t.

They should familiarize themselves with your goals and practices, then help you with your international transition. With a trusted advisor by your side, you can more easily achieve the success you deserve and be more confident in your decision to go international at the same time.


Since you’re taking your business internationally, it’s assumed that you already have an established brand in your native country. The same brand should be carried over to the new place of business, as well. That means maintaining your values, tone, and voice across all social media accounts, as well as all interactions with new customers.

Maintaining your core values is key to establishing a global name and becoming recognized around the world. The same applies to keeping the same logo in the new country, as it is a symbol that’s become associated with your business.


Every country has different laws for opening and running a business. Before setting sail, you should definitely speak to a lawyer native to the country where you want to take your business. They’ll be able to tell you the most accurate information about the legalities and regulations, meaning that you’ll be 100% prepared for the move.

Some business owners prefer to do the research themselves as a lawyer can be rather expensive, but it’s definitely worth the price if you want peace of mind. Think of it as just another investment in your business— it will definitely pay off in the long run.


Whether you’re expanding or simply moving, you’ll definitely have some things that need to be transported. This is more obvious in cases of moving since you don’t want to spend a fortune on buying all new things, but it also applies to expanding because it can simply be cheaper to transport machinery or furniture. Companies like Freight Assist Brisbane are experts in managing all things relating to shipping and can transport your goods from office to office with ease.

One idea for secure transport is to look into professional freight forwarder services. Companies that offer these services will most often take care of everything for you. You won’t have to worry about your stuff going missing, sticking to schedules, or packing and moving anything yourself. They’re great for professional and personal belongings alike, as they allow you to focus on other aspects of running your business.

That peace of mind is priceless when it comes to things like taking your business to an international level, as you already have quite the headache from the rest of the process.

The Culture

Working abroad is just about the physical and legal aspects. You’ll need to consider the people and culture, as well. Not only will this help you when it comes to hiring new employees, but it can also reveal new marketing tactics for increasing revenue.

Not every culture looks at the same things the same way, so you might have to adjust your ads and other marketing tactics to the new mentality. Regardless of what line of work you’re in, it’s the customers that make the gears turn. Make an effort to get to know their language and culture, and you’ll surely have a loyal audience just like you did at home.

When it comes to new employees, research what the standard of living is, as well as the typical salaries and benefits companies offer for similar positions. If you want to start off on a good foot, match or even exceed the average expectations. This is especially important if you’re going to a country with a somewhat poor economy, as you can help make a positive impact.


As you can see, there are a lot of things to consider when growing your business to an international level. Do your due diligence, though, and you’ll have no trouble navigating international waters. Your business will be one of the most successful ones in no time at all.

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